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Grill Heating Element 2800W(8841)


Grill Heating Element 2800W(8841) When your grill stops heating, or starts blowing out cold air the likelihood is your heating element has broken and needs replacing.  This replacement grill heating element 2800watts will help to fix those problems and help your grill to heat up properly.  Different grills require different elements, therefore, you will need to check the list of makes and models below to ensure this is the correct element for your grill.

SKU: 4390 Category:
  • Also Known As: Top Element, Upper Element
  • 2800 watts
  • Height: 385 (mm)
  • Width 405 (mm)
  • Brackets: 150 (mm)
  • Tags: 100/25 (mm)
  • Support bars: 320 (mm)
  • Manufacturers names and numbers are used for reference purposes only
  • These parts are in no way associated with the original manufacturer’s parts

Postage to mainland UK addresses at £2.95. (mailed 1st Class upon receipt of payment) with courier or Royal mail (Still to be decided on Courier)

Payment methods accepted include Paypal.

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900MM, DF600SIDOM BL, DF600SIDOM SVC, DF600SIDOM WH, EC600DO DLM SVC, EC600DODLM, EC600EMDOA, ECH600DOA BL, EF600A BL, EF600A ST, EF600A WH, EF720A WH, EF900A BL, EF900A ST, EF900A WH, EFA700H, EFA700H ST, EFA900H, EFA900H ST, EL616 BR, EL616 GR, EL616 MK11 AN, EL616 MK11 BR, EL616 MK11 ST, EL616 MK11 WH, EL616 WH, EL716 BR, EL716 GR, EL716 MK11 AN, EL716 MK11 BR, EL716 MK11 ST, EL716 MK11 WH, EL716 WH, EL916 MK11 AN, EL916 MK11 BR, EL916 MK11 ST, EL916 MK11 WH, EL916MK11, ES550DODLM, ES600DODLM BR, Q721EF, Q721EF (RS2), Richmond 1100Ei, Richmond 550DF, Richmond 550DFW, Richmond Mini Range, SEB700FPS, SEB900FPS, SN70FP HAP00 30, SN90FP HAP0040, ST SEC60DO GB DE, ST SEC60DOP GB DE, Sterling 1100DFT, Sterling 600DF, Sterling 600E, Sterling Mini Range, Sterling R1100DFT


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